Misha Bragin

Results 99 comments of Misha Bragin

Hi @AnonymousWebHacker Could you please describe your use case in more detail? The connections between machines are peer-to-peer meaning the traffic isn't going through a central VPN server (there are...

I think the Network Route tab description should be more specific to what problem it solves. E.g. instead of > Network routes allow you to create routes to network ranges...

Hi @NgTrThanh Thank you for the feedback! This is on our roadmap. And we have plans to work on mobile clients in Q3 this year. What would be your preferred...

Thank you @NgTrThanh for the detailed explanation. Interesting use case! FYI: you might find it useful for your setup in case there is not much of a processing required on...

hey @firestrife23, @lonnietc These are good options. We were looking into [SuperTokens](https://supertokens.io/) or [keycloak](https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak) and we are considering supporting it. I can't give any clear delivery date yet. Btw, would...

That would be of a great help @jhult . Thank you! There are a few things to consider. Let's have a chat? You can ping me in Slack https://join.slack.com/t/wiretrustee/shared_invite/zt-vrahf41g-ik1v7fV8du6t0RwxSrJ96A

> Looks good @KlavsKlavsen ! We will also need to check how we could replace the Auth0 in the frontend part. Anyone up for a challenge? :)

> @braginini What is the auth0 frontend part? oauth2/oidc does not have a UI part.. it redirects to the third party auth (keycloak f.ex.) for serving login UI (thats kinda...

A quick search on GitHub also showed some react libs for the frontend part. https://github.com/bjerkio/oidc-react

> I am also quite familiar with OIDC both on OP and RP side. > > Any well written OP shall have the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint implemented, see https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfig. > >...