HtmlRenderer 1.51 should work with PdfSharp 1.50. When I say "should" I mean I am actively using it without those errors. If you really want help, post the full exception...
I don't think you guys use using the very latest HtmlRenderer code. did not work with PdfSharp 1.50. There was a change made in 2016 to fix the exception...
I have done exactly what you are trying to do. I started out saving the images locally and using file:// references. Works OK but some browsers don't allow local file...
Haven't seen much sample code for PDFiumSharp out there. I've used PDFiumSharp for rendering and text extraction but not pagination, as we've been using PdfSharp for that for a long...
I might be able to help you out. I spent the better part of this weekend coding up a "PdfText" class to support text extraction (with a painful level of...
Attached are two files: the PdfText class I created and a modified FS_RECTF.cs file that it requires. You'll need to add/modify the following code in PdfPage.cs to hook the Text...
On GetPDFPage() methods I suggest changing the first argument name from "dest" to "source" and adding a destination/output Stream argument rather than returning MemoryStream.
Did you specify the **PDFiumSharp.RenderingFlags.Annotations** flag when rendering?
Apparently "annotations" are not the same thing as fillable form fields (which I believe are either AcroForm or XFA). After digging around last night, I discovered the same issue came...
I created my own fork of PDFiumSharp (based on another fork that has a had recent work done on it) and pushed the changes up today to get annotations working,...