Bradley Kemp

Results 54 issues of Bradley Kemp

Currently anonymous structs have a blank name. It would be nice to just have a default name of "[]struct" or something.


The "address" of a map reflect.Value is actually the address of the struct field so although maps are reference types they get treated as if they have been copied if...


I ran the fuzz harness already in the codebase ( and found two panics: These can be reproduced using: ```go package main import "" var data = "" func main()...

bug says: > throttle: - a throttle will occur before an event triggers a request. If the event is seen again before the delay completes it is ignored, the element...

I'm hoping to create a custom "event" table (i.e. using rather than a traditional, on-demand generated table). It seems like `osquery-go` might only support the on-demand generate table style...

When the user clicks on a quick reply button this triggers a bot.on('message', .....) handler whereas this should probably trigger a bot.on('postback', ....) instead?

There's loads of places to report phishing sites but aggregates them all in a single place so might be more useful than listing them all here. Disclaimer: I run...

If `ExponentialBackoff.Stop` is zero (e.g. if you forget to initialise it) then the backoff function can run into an infinite loop on this line: Here `b.NextBackoff()` returns the `ExponentialBackoff.Stop`...

Currently sigma-go panics when given a rule that looks like this: ```yaml detection: someCondition: foo: bar condition: nonExistentCondition ``` This panic happens here: Instead this function should be extended...

help wanted
good first issue

While the `Result` type tells you which conditions matched in your rule, it doesn't help you know *why* they matched. So e.g. for rules, you can have a long...