Bradley Fay
Bradley Fay
@Danielmcintosh1 is taking the lead on putting together this documentation. Hopefully we can launch shortly after refactor is complete.
So when I updated, I changed the API Try: playerList = goldsberry.PlayerList() That will get you the current season players. If you then call: playerList.SET_parameter(Season='2008-09') playerList.GET_rawdata() playerList will then contain...
In the previous version, I had a hidden function that transformed yyyy into the yyyy-yy format to make it easier. Went away with all the API helper functions and made...
Almost Try: players = pd.DataFrame(playerList.players()) Each class has at least 1 method that points to a specific table of data associated with the function call. I did this to try...
You got it. Run it first to get current season. Then set the season parameter. Then repull data. I should probably add a flag to determine whether or not pull...
That's a bug that needs fixed. Good catch On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 3:44 PM Henry Bogardus [email protected] wrote: > Hmm. And then one last thing is when attempting...
Hmm, I merged some code without testing (amateur hour!) I'm in the process of refactoring to work with Python 3.6+. Should get fixed during that. If you want to make...
Awesome. To be honest, I have no idea. I was reading through a blog about open sourcing a package when I first started building and one of the features they...
That's what I had started but haven't taken time to learn how to do it correctly. Package works but just get failure messages from Travis. Any help here would be...
With the new refactor, I'm taking advantage of classing to minimize duplicate code. Once it's done I think it should be easier to write tests for each modules. Would be...