Bradley Dwyer
Bradley Dwyer
Just switched to using vue-i18n-loader (due to CSP) and I'm seeing something similar: Uncaught ReferenceError: undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined is not defined I'm using a JSON file and have been trying to see...
@Rendanic The primary issue that I was trying to fix was the casing rather than quoting. It was this casing issue that led me to put the change where I...
As a possible fix, but not well tested: ``` {{ key | indent(count*width, first=True) }} = {% if value is string %}"{{ value }}"{% elif value is iterable and (value...
@cbas ping again.
Any updates/fixes for this one? It's happening consistently on uploading to S3 for me.
If this solves the ECONNRESET issues with Knox then I'm all for it. I've got a build at the moment that no longer works because the S3 push fails on...
@davidtucker I've got a deadline in about 22 hours and this is completely blocking me, so I'm about to do a quick hack on the S3 upload function to switch...
I did end up doing this work. The aws-sdk codebase is significantly more stable than knox. I haven't had a single failure pushing to S3 with it (where knox consistently...
I'd like to see this happen. The Knox implementation is completely flakey. I'm now a week into using the AWS-SDK version and it hasn't had a single issue.
Just noticed this looks like Issue #6 & #7