Brad Gignac
Brad Gignac
Document guidelines for contributors in
In development, the default logrus formatter is great. In a production environment, we should switch to using a JSON logger so that individual fields are searchable inside CloudWatch.
Build a realtime dashboard to help visualize status and detect anomalies with a Vulcand deployment. For reference, here are the dashboards provided by several other open source projects: - HAProxy...
Rather than building React components for every Canon component, go with Canon Bootstrap and only build components that aren't already covered by react-bootstrap.
As we've discussed the path from Canon to Canon Bootstrap, concerns over the value-effort trade-off have been raised by a number of different teams. Specifically, the following issues have been...
Canon currently uses a full-height column background on layouts with a right sidebar. Unfortunately, these columns are notoriously difficult to implement in a generic way and come with many trade-offs....
What patterns need to be looked at for version 2.0?
When attempting to use this library with on a few Rackspace projects, I realized the provided strategy is really intended for a web app where the username and password are...
Build and run tests on Travis CI.