K2P3Toolkit copied to clipboard
Fork of Gene Kogan's Kinect Projector Toolkit - Processing library for calibrating a Kinect v2 to a projector for aligning projections to moving bodies and surfaces
Hi, I am trying to launch calibrate.pde but apparently there are some issues with outdated libraries. ### OPENCV PROCEESING Problem: **Examples.** - [https://discourse.processing.org/t/opencv-error-in-processing-4-0b2/33284](https://discourse.processing.org/t/opencv-error-in-processing-4-0b2/33284) - [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66285416/processing-4-error-warning-illegal-reflective-access-by-gab-opencv-opencv](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66285416/processing-4-error-warning-illegal-reflective-access-by-gab-opencv-opencv) ``` WARNING: Illegal reflective access...
Hi all! I was wondering if anyone encountered the same problem with libfreenect2? I think this problem is specific to OSX, according to the filed issues on libfreenect2. I tried...
I am getting this error using Processing 3.2.3 and running the CALIBRATION sketch on OS X 10.11.6: The package "Jama" does not exist. You might be missing a library. Do...
https://github.com/bradenneufeld/K2P3Toolkit/blob/master/src/KinectProjectorToolkit/KinectProjectorToolkit.java#L89 P2D to P3D and rebuild jar please.
I wonder if the Kinect v2 works in OSX with the drivers mentioned. I know the very first Kinect version fox Xbox works in OSX but I thought the new...
In my case, I just need 3D points information using a projector coordinate. Therefore, is it possible to get an extrinsic matrix for converting 3d data from Kinect coordinate to...