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Tensorflow implementation of the SRGAN algorithm for single image super-resolution

Results 39 SRGAN-tensorflow issues
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InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Cannot assign a device for operation 'dicriminator_train/discriminator/discriminator_unit/dense_layer_2/dense/bias/Adam_1': Operation was explicitly assigned to /device:GPU:0 but available devices are [ /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0 ]. Make sure the device specification...

I tried this repo and found that the result of SRGAN is better than in the paper. Not JUST better, it is abnormally better regarding the performance of GAN algorithm....

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 231, in Net = SRGAN(data.inputs, data.targets, FLAGS) File "/home/zhou/SRGAN-tensorflow/lib/", line 372, in SRGAN extracted_feature_gen = VGG19_slim(gen_output, FLAGS.perceptual_mode, reuse=False, scope=scope) File "/home/zhou/SRGAN-tensorflow/lib/", line...

I already installed "keras" and used import function in but when I tried to train SRGAN with MSE this happened.

This generator network does not scale the output to [-1, 1] with tanh activation function. Does anyone know why?

For some reason images gets odd results when I try to alter them Any ideas as to why? I use the pre-trained model with tensorflow CPU edition Edit: I...

While running the pretrained model, how do we set the upscaling factor as 2 instead of the default which seems to be 4? Is this possible, if not, what's the...

Are able to provide a requirements.txt including the most suitable version of Tensorflow-gpu?

Hi. I'm Heidi. Can I get output_image without target_image? In, the results are: `results = (save_fetch, feed_dict = {inputs_raw: input_im, targets_raw: target_im, path_LR: path_lr, path_HR: path_hr}` When I...