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Implementation of ICP in C#


pointmatcher.net is a modular Iterative Closest Point library for .net inspired by libpointmatcher and libnabo

pointmatcher.net can take a point cloud and iteratively find a Euclidean transformation that will align it with a reference point cloud.


To use the library in your .net app, simply Add a Reference to the dll and use something like this

DataPoints reading = ...; // initialize your point cloud reading here
DataPoints reference = ...; // initialize your reference point cloud here
EuclideanTransform initialTransform = ...; // your initial guess at the transform from reading to reference
ICP icp = new ICP();
icp.ReadingDataPointsFilters = new RandomSamplingDataPointsFilter(prob: 0.1f);
icp.ReferenceDataPointsFilters = new SamplingSurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter(SamplingMethod.RandomSampling, ratio: 0.2f);
icp.OutlierFilter = new TrimmedDistOutlierFilter(ratio: 0.5f);
var transform = icp.Compute(reading, reference, initialTransform);


pointmatcher.net currently only has a minimal set of the filters available in libpointmatcher. It has also been less extensively tested and optimized.


pointmatcher.net depends on: