The Mac version is working for me.
running the same version in parallels (windows 10 on my Mac), GRIP started, but the webcam crashed - it doesn't seem to be shared in parallels.
I just forwarded the request to one of the developers who has been working on the libraries for the Raspberry PI. Where did you get the libraries that you were...
Also make sure that you are using the arm-raspbian builds and not the armhf builds. I think that would cause that crash.
It's possible that there is a bug in GRIP that caused it to generate an incorrect Python program. Do you know Python well enough to debug the program? Perhaps you...
If making it an incompatible change is a concern, add it as a different video publisher and keep the old stuff.
What's the old format? Is that the NI stream format? But right now it's broken, I agree with Austin that it should be fixed, even with a separate publisher then...
Does it also do that with SmartDashboard?
Can you zip the code for a minimal failing example and post it here? One of the CTRE developers offered to look at it to see what's up. We can...
Thanks for the report. Just a quick question, did you notice if the OutlineViewer standalone program also has the same issue?