Brown Dev
Brown Dev
Its just remix telling you that the transaction is likely to fail, which I think is because you didn't send any ETH along when trying to use the fund(). Add...
You need to have some ETH in the account that you are using for the withdraw. The gas for txn is supplied by the person initiating the transaction usually.
You are using the assignment operator ```=``` instead of a comparison operator like ```==``` ```===```. Change it and you will be good to go :)
@jav4di Oh yeah, sorry I read it in the wrong context.
This is not an error message per se, everytime ganache-local /development is used the ganache-cli is fired up again. This message just prints all the key-value pairs for the ganache-cli...
Can you share the files so we can look for the solution together? :)
Can you run python --version in vscode shell? pip is now implicitly installed with Python installation if we download the recent versions
Do you still need help or figured it out?
Just a thought : Can use a translation api to convert ui texts on the fly and present the user with the translated text
I saw that you added another tab space(by mistake probably) before the ```return contract``` statement in ```get_contract()``` which is probably resulting in errors since it returns the contract only if...