
Results 7 comments of bpuig

If It's https://bitbucket.org/wiredesignz/codeigniter-modular-extensions-hmvc module, I've just figured it out. Inside core/MY_Model.php you have to make an empty model that extends CI_Model, and then Avenirer's MY_Model has to extend that dummy...

> i don't understand why your extending the CI_Model two times ? Because it worked… black magic, I don't know anymore since I abandoned Codeigniter.

> you abandoned Codeigniter for laravel ? Yes, much better imo. I started with CI because i came from vanilla PHP programming and this seemed an easy framework. Now I'm...

```php Countries::all() ->map(function ($country) { return [ $country->cca2, ($country->translations->spa->common) ?? $country->name->common]; }) ->values()->toArray(); ``` Change `spa` for desired locale.

Today I got into the package a bit and also found that. The EU is not a country but a union of them, and @ametad is right, the UE is...

https://github.com/mledoze/countries/blob/master/README.md It seems to be this: ``` code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2) code ISO 3166-1 numeric (ccn3) code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3) ```

Maybe you can give a name to each new subscription. Like the `id` of that website. The package accepts multiple subscriptions for the user.