All changes implemented from 2.2.2 and many more! Html UI is intergrated now, as in original project Edit.htm.gz is integrated now, too. Homeassistant is now using the white channel, too,...
Feel free! https://github.com/FabLab-Luenen/McLighting
@debsahu One of the bugs i found myself. Corrected the neopixel stuff now, too.
- the Web-GUI the 3 Color Preset, only first have a function try animation "Blink" with second and "Tri Color Chase" with third color set. - What is "Autoplay"? Hi...
@AvanOsch I‘m currently porting this to my RGBW branch (3colors) I‘m also porting your WebUI to be used with RGBW. Looks promissing.
Ready to test https://github.com/FabLab-Luenen/McLighting/tree/3colors GUI: https://github.com/FabLab-Luenen/McLightingHTML
Maybe you should read the wiki for Websocket_API, which is the same as MQTT_API Payload: R[r_start][r_end][hexrgb] [...] Light multiple LED ranges in the given colors. Where is the first index...
> Constant crashes in core v2.5.0, Could someone else also test it? You have to erase the complete device not only sketch
Maybe you should try my fork: https://github.com/FabLab-Luenen/McLighting/tree/beta but clean your SPIFFS first time