Brill Pappin
Brill Pappin
If I check a document manually, I can see that it has a lot more entries, ending at a much later date, than the reader is showing me. It appears...
For some reason, I seem to not be able to add two select2 components tot he same form. Only the first Select2MultiChoice component is ever rendered. Is this be design...
It would be nice if there was an easy way to include the bootstrap CSS in the component. Likely best done as a setting or style attribute you could apply....
The Select2 display elements don't play well with Wicket Bootstrap. 1) the inout area does not look like a Bootstrap inout (style and size) 2) you can't do things like...
THe class "ApplicationSettings" conflicts with a number of other classes including the "ApplicationSettings" class from wicket itself. The ApplicationSettings in Select2 should be renamed to Select2ApplicationSettings and ApplicationSettings be deprecated.
May be related to #36 It seems ProGuard complaining about missing `org.kxml2` classes. However they do not seem to be dependencies. Most likely, `com.github.siyamed.shapeimageview.path.parser.SvgToPath` is referencing that library, but not...
This configuration update allows the command "gradle install". The install command will install the library into the standard ~/.m2/repository directory instead of a custom directory.
As of the bintray shutdown May 1st, this library is no longer resolving.
I'm trying to integrate Firebase Auth with the Android SyncManager and AccountManager, which is proving to be very cumbersome. It would be great if we have a FirebaseAuthUI-Android Authenticator stub...
The message window sticks and can't be graddeed sometimes in Big Sur, until you bring something else on top of it, and then try dragging.