hi Bogdan, do you know somewhere we could access a list of all the OXA numberings that have been superseded by another allele (or indeed for all Beta-lactamases)? thanks, brian
Thanks Bogdan - I might make it one of my summer projects to better harmonize BLDB and CARD to catch these issues
Very delayed response but Dan is correct - this does happen occasionally when an incorrect sequence is grabbed by mistake
Closing for being outdated. If dfr-related issues are noticed in CARD please open a new issue.
Closing for being outdated + WP_048029797.1 is now marked as suppressed
Hi Daniel, just wanted to let you know this has been referred internally. The reason this happens is the terms are listed in the order they were connected to each...
Hi Thomas, the peptide accession for GES07 in CARD ([AAP22974.1]( is listed as an identical protein for the NDARO GES-7 accession ([AAF28763.2](, as is the BLDB accession ([ADU79013]( For alleles...