Results 8 comments of İlker Bozcan

Is there any progress on this issue? I am not a expert of Unreal programming expert but what do you think about using segmentation information inside the Airsim to refine...

For recon_loss, the target (y_true) is original X_train data. The model's output is reconstructed data. So recon_loss punishes the network if it produces different output than the original inputs. This...

I think the ADRNet code is not available in the gate_detector folder. Apparently, only Alex-net based SSD is there. Could you upload the code of the main method, as well?

Thanks! Could you maybe upload to google drive or similar @TheMadScientiist ? I don't think the authors are maintaining the repo.

Thanks! Were you able to check @TheMadScientiist ? It would be super helpful if you could share it via google drive. [email protected] if you like to add me

ok, not urgent. I can wait for val and test. Thanks!

> > ok, not urgent. I can wait for val and test. Thanks! > > Check your gmail. Got it! Thanks!