Sean McIntyre
Sean McIntyre
Yeah, I'm aware of the relationship between the fhir-parser and the client-py. I believe it would be nice to have what I'm suggesting live outside the fhir-parser process -- what...
Ah, so supporting the resolution of references within a `Bundle` could possibly give the client user the ability to specify which related references they would like to access when they...
Haven't got a bb black yet and will be a month or two until I get my first. Perhaps team up with joehohman (issue #1) to see if you can...
Using [dbt's built-in timing info]( (thanks @dbeatty10!), I ran `dbt --no-partial-parse compile` on a gnarly DAG sized 8468 models, 17103 tests. It took 14m4s to run on dbt-core#tag/v1.3.2 code, and...
I'm working with a dbt Cloud customer who have an existing, long-lived Spark cluster and are keen to try dbt Core/Cloud with it. They have 10,000+ objects in Spark and...
I had a potential Snowflake user ask me for this today, with dbt create table as statements.
Hi @trouze @VersusFacit, I reviewed this for about 15 minutes. Agreed it's a large PR primarily because of the requirement of bringing in `redshift__*` materializations into the dbt-redshift project. As...
Hi @trouze from my position, I think it's a good idea to raise your suggestion in dbt-labs/dbt-core and reference out to this issue and the BigQuery one. At least you...