Josh C
Josh C
I see, thanks for reporting @crabvk! We use Enhancedocs for the search functionality. They were really cool at first but seem to be causing more and more problems. They also...
Thank you @Aleksion for reporting! It looks like this is due to StrictMode changes in React 18. You can see this in the sandbox by either removing StrictMode in `index.js`...
Hey @Aleksion sorry I spent some time at Disney World a couple weeks ago and was busy getting back to work last week. I've basically decided on a hybrid approach....
Hey @Aleksion pressure away! It's good for me. TL;DR this change has suffered some feature creep. But it's really a good thing, fixing a few outstanding issues. Longer explanation: I...
@Aleksion a preemptive heads up this time. I'm almost there. I'll try to snag a couple hours to finish this and get a release out tomorrow
@Aleksion The fix for this has been released in version `1.2.0-rc.0`, which can be installed via `npm i @zedux/react@next` (or similar). I've verified that it fixes your codesandbox here:
@Aleksion Thank you! This is so helpful! I was getting a different error and thought I broke suspense support somehow. This clarified everything and I found the problem quickly and...
Version `1.2.0-rc.1` has been published with the fix for inline selectors that return referentially unstable results
@Aleksion I haven't been able to reproduce this. Are you perhaps seeing the double-renders from StrictMode? ```ts const idAtom = atom('id', () => ({ _id: '123' })) const selector =...
Very interesting idea and discussion. I'm just coming in and it's a little hard to understand the use cases. I get the part about new Providers unmounting the tree, but...