Noah Botimer

Results 9 comments of Noah Botimer

In addition to the added automated test, I have verified this patch with our local configuration and a test app (using Sinatra, OmniAuth, and the omniauth_openid_connect plugin). The Helm chart...

@ern I've made one of the suggested changes and explained why I don't think we should do the other. As far as merging, I think a merge commit is the...

I'm not totally up on where folks prefer to have technical discussion about specific code these days. Anyway, I've tried to make a nice patch here that has plenty of...

Great question, Earle. I think there is a place for more fakes and mocks, but here is my working model: As I'm trying to untangle the tool layer stuff that...

It's worth noting that I've been trying a couple of different relationships between the test base class, its context loader, and the component manager. I'm finding that the approach of...

Something I noticed locally was some inconsistency when running the tests under Docker. I think it has to do with the stream handling of docker-compose and IO.popen. Sometimes, the tests...

I've found why the tests are hanging under Docker, though I'm not sure of the best approach to resolving it. Using IO.popen, Process.spawn, etc., the command is run with `sh...

Hello! Sure... We are using the standalone exporter to take metrics out of the main puma thread pool and listen on a separate port dedicated to Prometheus metrics with firewall...

Thanks for the update and release. It looks like you were able to do what you needed and the PR was tracked as merged, so I will delete the originating...