Peter Boswell
Peter Boswell
Heroku is a complete disaster. This is 2022, not 1990. Windows10. Installed Heroku CLI. Installed Git. Heroku says "Git must be installed..." Is this a joke? Salseforce should get its...
I should perhaps add that I reinstalled OSHDB 0.5.9 and it works fine for all three ETL stages. The ClosedChannelException issue is with version 0.5.10.
Rafael, hello, from memory, I used the same database for 0.5.9 and 0.5.10. 0.5.9 ran OK; 0.5.10 threw the error. I used one of my own exports as the database....
Hello, I was wondering if there is any solution for this issue. For both Oracle java and OpenJDK I have exactly the same issue for OSHDB 0.6.1 to 0.6.4. etl...
Rafael, hello, the extraction does not run at all. The extraction starts with the "extracting key tables ... " then the [WARNING] and no extract files are created. So one...