chrome-prerender icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
chrome-prerender copied to clipboard

Render JavaScript-rendered page as HTML/PDF/mhtml/png/jpeg using Headless Chrome

Results 7 chrome-prerender issues
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Hello! I want to make chrome healthcheck from prerender, but how we can check it? Requesting `await render.render('chrome://version')` fails with `TooManyResponseError` and `about:blank` just timeouts;

``` curl http://localhost:3000/mhtml/ > fromprerender.mhtml google-chrome ./fromprerender.mhtml ``` Results in blank page. mhtml saved from chrome by normal means can be opened without any issues.

help wanted

I would like to use chrome prerender in a proxy sandwich configuration (cache as much as possible), but squid as a client uses different GET requests. Ideas what to configure...


I am running into issue when trying to render https based URL's. http works fine. Also chrome in headless can deal with https and spits out DOM, for example when...

question To be able to interacting with Chrome running on AWS Lambda.


Is there any option how to use something like `beforeSend(req, res, next)` plugin from NodeJS prerender or is there any plan to add this feature? I need to modify both...


as this is a re-implemenetation of i wondered how they compare in features and performance. e.g. are features like prerender-status-code supported? (
