Manuel Bösch
Manuel Bösch
I can give it a try 👍
Hello @rbayet, did you find the time to check it locally ? I cleared all caches and even switched the elastic search instance. Same result.
Oh I'm sorry! You can ignore this issue. Seems like I just had another attribute `url_key` having the same value as `sku`. So not `sku` was copied to `spelling`, it...
Maybe I closed the ticket to early. `sku` is not copied to `spelling` anymore, but with `sku` set to `isUsedInSpellcheck = 0`, the generated search query also changes. Now, `sku`...
Maybe I'm confusing something. I actually want to do a fuzzy search on everything except `sku` and additionally match on `sku` using its default search analyzer (non fuzzy). I this...
I'll checkout the recently added experimental features related to ngram analyzer. Sounds like a solution for my issue.
I'll checkout the recently added experimental features related to ngram analyzer. Sounds like a solution for my issue.
Yes, it's a custom analyser. Our use case requires different ngram sizes and additional char filters.
I tried these experimental features: _[Experimental] Use default analyzer in exact matching filter query [Experimental] Use all tokens from term vectors [Experimental] Use edge ngram analyzer in term vectors_ This...