Andrey Borodulin
Andrey Borodulin
I wanted to add earlier, but now I do not have free time to do it. Therefore I can not answer this question, I do not know myself. If someone... This functionality requires further development. There must be user callback, for the possibility of implementing server-side business logic. I think, the default implementation should be returning intersections of authCode.scope...
Hi! You will have to store google token in the session, when google send oauth callback. This library uses the session to be able to return to the authorization process....
Hell, @hartois! Check WSDL description of TestMessage, it should contains properties msid,name. It looks like you forgot to add annotations to these properties. ``` class TestMessage{ /** * @soap */...
Try to move your script to the end, using "depends" feature of the Yii assets.
I can recommend you 2 ways: 1. use registerJsFile with "depends" instead of registerJs. 2. $js = "initCodemirror();" Define "initCodemirror" function somewhere in the document body. Use setTimeout function if...
I have added version restrictions
In general, dependency injection should work. See yii\di\Container::getDependencies. Try checking the status of the container.