Bór Milán
Bór Milán
I'm interested in working on this one. Maybe the best is to rename the existing function to `max_function_clause_length` as @elbrujohalcon suggested and make another one with the name `max_function_length`. Do...
Is this issue still relevant? Because I tested with the given atom name(`non200_`) and it passed, the regex is already updated as I can see. the default regex: "^([a-z][a-z0-9]*_?)*(_SUITE)?$" I...
Oh, I completely misunderstood. So we want to warn the developers to not make atoms like `non200_` while allowing atoms like `non_200` at the same time.
I had a long session discovering how to implement this, and I found a problem. I made a test file that contains quoted atoms that are not required to be...
I spent much time exploring how these work in the repo, but I'm still confused. I see that we have several rules that require .erl files not .beam for example...
I think I made good progress today, it's not perfect but works. Could you please provide me with some suggestions? https://github.com/inaka/elvis_core/compare/main...bormilan:elvis_core:feature/prefer-unquoted-atoms