Boris Martin
Boris Martin
I could probably improve this when I'm done with other things with higher priority... By the way, I also realize the plotting part could be improved : current script has...
Yes it's a channel. I imagine `channel-transport-reaction` is the most appropriate since it describes what is coupled. On the other hand, no reference to chemistry at all doesn't seem right.
Are you sure you can split an hexaehedra into 5 tetra ? I'm bad at 3D geometry but I think you need 6 of them to split a cube. Can't...
> we have now a somewhat inconsistent xml config of `scaled-consistent` vs `scaled-consistent-volume`. IMO, it should be `scaled-consistent-surface` It's mostly a backwards compatibility issue. @uekerman and I agree to keep...
Same problem occurs in NP mapping in 3D by the way. Same configuration with everything in the same plane would yield similar results.
> The downside is that this completely disables the lazy evaluation of index trees as all primitives of the entire Mesh always need to be indexed. I don't really see...
> @boris-martin Are you still planning to work on this PR? If not, please unassign and we will take over. smiley Not really. Feel free to ask for reviews afterwards...
Alles gut!
I actually planned to ask what was the optimal location once I undrafted this PR, but you were faster :D I have no hard feelings one way or another. I...
Ideally I'd update after we push the update to CCX 2.20