Daniel Kats

Results 12 comments of Daniel Kats

thanks for the quick response. consider making this the default?

I'm seeing a similar error but for `li`: ``` NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"li"} (Session info: chrome=92.0.4515.131) ``` using `linkedin_scraper` version 2.9.0 with python...

Yes! I just realized this. It would be helpful if the error message was a bit more helpful though... (of course still my bad)

It worked when I downgraded to node version 15, which points to node 16 not yet being supported by this package. It would be nice to get node16 support if...

I also have the same error

Bump. If you try the example as written you will get an IndexError

Hi, is there any update on this? What's the proper way to fetch a collection with related information? It would be great if this could appear in the docs.

It's a columnar format similar to Parquet. It's widely used at Facebook, among other places. [It's currently an Apache project](https://orc.apache.org/). [Here](https://code.facebook.com/posts/370832626374903/even-faster-data-at-the-speed-of-presto-orc/) is a public post from Facebook talking about its...