Bood Qian
Bood Qian
curated/sentry下可以找到sentry的chart,但是apphub中只能看到sentry-kubernetes ```bash bood:~$ helm version version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.0.0-beta.2", GitCommit:"26c7338408f8db593f93cd7c9 63ad56f67f662d4", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.12.9"} bood:~$ helm repo list NAME URL apphub bood:~$ helm search repo | grep sentry apphub/sentry-kubernetes 0.2.1 latest A Helm...
Did you run any test for a strength comparison with previous published Go programs? If so, could you publish your result too? Thanks. BTW: is this published network the same...