Craig Buchek

Results 11 comments of Craig Buchek

I think that would be a good refactor, helping clarity of intent. It might also be helpful to anyone looking to do something similar.

Since `RUBIES` is only used in the `chruby` function, we could leave it unset at the global level, and have the `chruby` function copy it to another variable if it's...

@rexdf asked: > How about exp{i*pi}+1=0 ? Using _tau_, you get: `exp{i*tau/2}+1=0`. Now you've got the 3rd-most interesting integer involved as well. That makes the equation *more* interesting, not less....

I feel like listing the author in each line of changes is sufficient. I don't think the **Author** section is usually very useful. If seems like it'd be OK to...

It might be interesting, as a historical record of what features got added when. (Remember, some changelog files are named `HISTORY`.) I'm doing that for a side project I just...

That benchmark is slightly unfair to the constant wrapper, as both plain `ROLES` and `User::ROLES` are faster than `self::ROLES`. Surprisingly, wrapped `User::ROLES` is actually faster than wrapped `ROLES` and wrapped...

I'm the author of one of those Stack Overflow questions (many years ago). I think this is a worthwhile addition to Rake, but I have 1 suggestion and 1 concern:...

Thanks for the feedback, @mcmire. I've got a simple acceptance test in my actual Rails project, but I've had a hard time figuring out how to write the test with...

I'm not sure what you're asking. The Virtus model and the DB should be separate issues. Can you provide some more details, and perhaps some example code?

I'm inclined to accept this, or something similar. Since we don't do validations, we can't just reject the whole object if one attribute contains something that we really don't want...