Matt Bongiovi
Matt Bongiovi
@jpawlowski, thank you so much for the feedback. If there is a difference between the recommendation, it is likely a documentation bug. If you have a clear idea of where...
Thanks @finleybill. I will try to set up a repro of this to debug.
@anorstrom, thanks for reporting this issue! I am going to mark it as "Help Wanted". It looks like the likely problem is the CSS element matching we use. We unfortunately...
@rattuscz, thanks for catching this, this is a great find. I think probably the best way would be to list the providers that match 'AD FS', and then get the...
It might make sense to change the $script log constant to be an array of known strings for each log, and then check the output of `-ListProvider` against that list,...
@rattuscz, this looks like a fantastic start on the PS 2.0 compat. To handle the lack of `ConvertFrom-Json`, you might have to construct PowerShell objects to correspond to the template...
Thanks @rattuscz, I created a new branch for the [PS 2.0 compat]( called `PS2.0-Compat`. If you wouldn't mind switching this PR over to that branch, that would be great. Also,...
I think this change looks good. @rattuscz, would you mind running the [tests]( to make sure nothing has been regressed?
That's strange. It looks like the tests all pass for me (both the original version, and using your code changes). This merge should be good to go once I get...
That's very strange. Well I was able to run the test pass for you, and it looks good. If you're interested in debugging the tests on your side, you could...