Brandon Weigel
Brandon Weigel
Trying to find where $record_key is first defined.
That sounds reasonable to me. Where are you thinking of doing this, and what would the function be? For a quick and dirty patch, I'm thinking the convert-to-underscore would have...
OK, I've made a change. In that section: ``` $identifier = ($rec->header->identifier); $identifier = json_decode(json_encode($identifier), 1)[0]; $identifier = urlencode(str_replace(':', '_', $identifier)); ``` This seems to work; I'm getting files! Unfortunately,...
Thanks for submitting the issue, @xing93111. Further detail: If MIK is run instead with the class CdmCompound, compound objects are generated with the directory structure of a Book, except each...
@xing93111 You're looking at the current code rather than the code from the earlier commit. In your MIK directory: `git checkout -b CdmPhpDocuments` Then you'll need to `git reset --hard...
@MarcusBarnes Sorry for taking so long to respond to this. In this branch I get the same errors you do when running phpunit. In the master branch and others I...
@mjordan I'm running PHP 7.1.16.
Sorry @mjordan, I just figured out what the problem is. So my CSV's child_key colum includes "1" for the first child, "2" for the second. Due, most likely, to annoying...
I'd rather see it just built into the checks done by --checkconfig... Check that the values in the child_key column match the values in the file extensions.