Hi. I can see one usecase where this would be beneficial to the Internet. Some medias even do it For instance, when a news article is old enough and has...
Hi. One thing I'm not sure the plugin handles is moving social optimization data. This would be a really nice benefit. Because right now, not being able to migrate this...
Nice! And would we need to register eachfield and object type or it's possible to add it all at once?
Okay. Is it hard to find a French translation editor?
Hello, I'm almost done on the French Translation, but I'd need some infos for some strings I didn't find while using the plugin. **What are these strings for?** - Enable...
Okay, awesome. I think that at some point, I should find a way to be more precise when it's archive as archive page and archive as "search engine will create...
Okay, I've edited this string to follow your guidance. > I noticed some markdown issues (links, code backticks), for which I'm going to suggest corrections. No worries :) Sorry, I...
> OK, I'm done fixing the issues 👍 Once you're a PTE you can approve the translations, and I'll check again after you're done 😄 Let me know how you...
Ok, it should be goog now. But when adding the translation to the plugin on my website, those strings seems no to be translated: - Learn more about this card...
> Is it possible to omit the gender/scope by removing the article in French? > e.g. "Apply X to the archive" -> "Apply X to archives". Well, sadly not because...