
Results 6 comments of bokwoon95

1. Remove the GO statement. That is not valid SQL, it only works in SSMS. 2. You cannot use CREATE SCHEMA together with other SQL statements ([]( Wrap it in...

Something like an automatic migration that reads the table struct definitions in a Go file and runs `CREATE TABLE`/`ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS` accordingly?

I've thought about this feature before, but I'm not sure if it's the right decision to generate the DDL statements based on the Go structs. It's nice to have some...

Thanks for clarifying the workflow. It's quite helpful to know what the various workflows out there in the wild are like. I'll give it some more thought and also on...

Nah I don't think it's possible to convince the Go team to budge on this, I think they have some performance issues with it. Besides once generics roll out on...

@dbubel I managed to achieve it in a roundabout way, by declaring `g.SetKeybinding` [for every rune in a string]( along with a [partially applied function]( ``` // Handle all legal...