Martin Bojmaliev

Results 11 comments of Martin Bojmaliev

Некој напредок?

Ти благодарам за одговорот. Сакав да си помогнам во врска со изработка на дипломска. Моделот претпоставувам ќе го направите да биде достапен и на spaCy, или?

Hey @cyrildewit, Thanks for replying. I tried to make a test but the test go fine on Sqlite. The problem happens on mysql ( or mariadb). Because I can't reproduce...

On the end I solved it caching the views count in the database and using cursor Paginate. Its good to mention this issue in the documentation. Thanks anyway for creating...

Hey @cyrildewit , Right now I have a command that runs every six hours and it looks like: ```php Ad::public() ->chunkById(100, function ($ads) { $ads->each(function($ad) { $ad->unique_views_count = views($ad)->unique()->count(); $ad->save();...

@daniellandim What about this?

@Voltra does this still works for you? I tried to override these files in the latest version of filament and I'm getting an exception.

@nurbek-b After taking the picture, set flash mode to torch, and return it to always. I know It's a little bit hacky but that worked for me.