Martin Bojmaliev
Martin Bojmaliev
Некој напредок?
Ти благодарам за одговорот. Сакав да си помогнам во врска со изработка на дипломска. Моделот претпоставувам ќе го направите да биде достапен и на spaCy, или?
Hey @cyrildewit, Thanks for replying. I tried to make a test but the test go fine on Sqlite. The problem happens on mysql ( or mariadb). Because I can't reproduce...
Yup, thats it
On the end I solved it caching the views count in the database and using cursor Paginate. Its good to mention this issue in the documentation. Thanks anyway for creating...
Hey @cyrildewit , Right now I have a command that runs every six hours and it looks like: ```php Ad::public() ->chunkById(100, function ($ads) { $ads->each(function($ad) { $ad->unique_views_count = views($ad)->unique()->count(); $ad->save();...
@daniellandim What about this?
bugfix: Fix incompatibility issue with hydration hooks in forms (spatie-laravel-translatable-plugin)
Any hope this will get merged soon?
bugfix: Fix incompatibility issue with hydration hooks in forms (spatie-laravel-translatable-plugin)
@Voltra does this still works for you? I tried to override these files in the latest version of filament and I'm getting an exception.
@nurbek-b After taking the picture, set flash mode to torch, and return it to always. I know It's a little bit hacky but that worked for me.