
Results 29 comments of bohtho

``` set_smarthome_mode: description: Set system into a given smarthome mode. fields: system: {description: System identifcation to send command to., example: "12345"} mode: {description: "Mode to select. Can be DEFAULT_OPERATION, AWAY_FROM_HOME...

Here’s a long list of interesting parameters (although in xml format):

@rickardnr1 @elupus Try 43086 for list of priority and current action.

43086 indeed seems blocked through the API.. But I have confirmed with ModbusManager 1.0.9 Database 8310 with my products chosen (VVM320/F2120) that 43086 is the prio list.

Very odd. Is 8310 the latest database version ? And more importantly: Is the API using the latest database ..... ? :-/ Could any of you Swedes ask NIBE and...

Does anyone have an email address to somebody more specific than info at nibe dot eu ? Someone more of a technical contact person ? Ideally working on the API....

I’ve contacted Uplink Support about the strange selection of parameters currently available and directed them to the latest modbus database.

I got desperate and set up my Mac as a proxy for my NIBE (luckily proxy can be set locally in the NIBE Uplink menu). I even tried to do...

There's great potential in a good API with benefits of remote smart functions, but I agree something direct and local would be great. I wonder if the telnet connection is...

> In my F750: - 43064 has friendly_name: heat: dT calc. value (värme: dT börvärde) - 43115 has friendly_name: HW: charge calc value (vv: laddbörvärde) Michael > […](#) Does anyone...