Dror Bogin
Dror Bogin
Cannot read osm.pbf files into cache (and therefore write to DB) in Ubuntu 20.04 on windows WSL2 sing latest binary versions. have been trying by using the example in the...
When using *.sld files generated by QGIS (3.4) all colors turn to gray. the difference seems to be that the _SvgParameter_ is not recognized by the editor. for example, all...
After successful install on windows 10, Mergin fails to create new projects. Version 0.8.6 of pygeodiff only created `pygeodiff-0.8.6-python-win32.dll` in the `env/Lib/site-packages/pygeodiff` folder when Mergin is looking for `pygeodiff-0.8.6-python.dll`. This...