Bogdan Dubyk

Results 15 comments of Bogdan Dubyk

and I have `pcntl` installed and enabled, when I run `php -i | grep pcntl` it shows `support => enabled` , and when add `extension_loaded('pcntl')` it returns `true`

hmm, and honestly I'm not sure if async execution working for me in general ``` $startTime = microtime(true); AsyncFacade::run(function(){sleep(1); return 1;}); AsyncFacade::run(function(){sleep(1); return 1;}); AsyncFacade::wait(); dd(microtime(true) - $startTime); ``` execution...

I tried with a `autocomplete="off"` and did not work. I'm not sure what is a `vss`, sorry:( can me or link to the place I can read about it?

no, it's not working for me, I tried to wrap all fields with a `` and directly `vss` as you propose and it's not working :( , And actually as...

k, I'll try it tomorrow, it's late for me, thanks! And the reason I have that nested element is b-z I need to set a custom class and placeholders, can...

well, now I'm not sure if it's related to autocomplete, when I remove nested input that cross sign gone, but still the dropdown not appearing. I make small videos to...

Here is the code sandbox example I made, where I can reproduce the bug (HTML is broken as I remove most of the logic)