folder_path: str, Not accepting argument as a string in case of -folder=folder_name
On defining `on_failure_callback_name` and `on_failure_callback_file`, if the very first task (say task1) fails, `context["ti"]` always return the instance of last task defined in the DAG. Eg: task1 >> task2 >>...
I have a use case where I am accessing Airflow's variable using Variable.get(). How can I achieve this in yaml file. Also, how can I access parameters (params.app_name, params.namespace etc)...
Dont you think Y = climate_change_df.as_matrix(['Year']) X = climate_change_df.as_matrix(['CO2', 'Temperature']).astype('float32') is correct instead of what you have done? We need to interchange X and Y as Y needs to be...
Right now, it explains only theoretical concepts. It would be great if some one can add example(code in python) to explain better. Explained here Anyone can contribute!
Can you tell how to run and which file or what is the procedure(to get output)?
Hi @byeongjokim, I was trying to contribute in this project but I am getting this error: ``` self.onto == get_ontology("baseball.owl#") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 66, in...