
Results 17 comments of boboxiaodd

If you can use Erlang,it's very easy , use cowboy to create an http server , and connect to Vernemq node ,do everyting. ```erlang rpc:cast(MQTTNode, vmq_reg, subscribe, [true, SubscriberId, NewTopics]),...


@essen Yes, but i think it's very cumbersome . ```erlang [ {"/user/[...]", user_router, []}, {"/",cowboy_static,{file,"/www/index.html"}}, {"/web/",cowboy_static,{file,"/www/web/index.html"}}, {"/mobile/",cowboy_static,{file,"/www/mobile/index.html"}}, {"/[...]" , cowboy_static, {dir,"/www"} ] ```

@jeromedes i mean like Apache Server, can set the default page maybe like this options: ```erlang {"/[...]" , cowboy_static, {dir,"/www"},[{default,"index.html"}]} ``` when visit `/game/` can auto redirect `/www/game/index.html`

Sorry , i think this is not an urgent issue, so ... maybe we can add a option in ```erlang {"/[...]" , cowboy_static, {dir,"/www",[{index,"index.html"}]}} ```

I has encountered the same problem in iMac, but in MacBook Pro is correct

upgreat system to latest version and fix this bug

i have a plan with ios platform: sucess callback return two struct: ```json { "progress" : 0.1 } ``` or normal callback ```json { "status": 200, "xxxx": "xxxx" }...

This is not a serious problem, > decimal128 16 bytes (128-bit IEEE 754-2008 decimal floating point) you can lookup this link:

只改这个参数不够,还需在完成按钮点击前,隐藏当前选中的图层边框,并延时0.5秒 ```objectivec _toolsView.didDoneBtnBlock = ^{ HXPhotoEditStickerView * item = weakSelf.editingView.clippingView.imageView.stickerView; if(item.selectItemView){ [item removeSelectItem]; } weakSelf.view.userInteractionEnabled = NO; [weakSelf.view hx_showLoadingHUDText:nil]; [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 repeats:NO block:^(NSTimer * _Nonnull timer) { [weakSelf startEditImage]; }];...