
Results 7 comments of boblun

MythTV does seem to have its own problems - at least the current git version. When I select GLES1.5 it gets further but fails with 2018-09-25 22:40:03.424096 I Trying the...

Here is the error log for the V2 Shader error IBGL: Error while compiling shader 6. Original source is: #version 110 #extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable uniform sampler2DRect s_texture0; varying vec4...

If I Set GL version 1.5 I get a similar but different failure LIBGL: FPE Vertex shader compile failed: source is // FPE_Shader generated // ** Vertex Shader ** //...

Also glDeleteQueriesARB is undefined?

Hmm I notice there are no ARB Wrappers in queries.c

OK, ----- I Added the ARB queries myself to get past the link error, that went OK. Clear this up for me, doesn't the wrapper pass through the arguments to...

Ok, thanks. I appreciate the response. I guess logging the user into the dummy Xserver is the only way to go. On 11 June 2022 8:35:22 am AEST, Andy Holmes...