I'm the creator and maintainer of IoTaWatt. The arguments presented here do not seem to be on point. As I read the [Unigue ID Requirements](https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/entity_registry_index/#unique-id) there is a provision for...
At the risk of appearing equally argumentative, I would say that this response was too fast to have considered the discussion referenced above, and your position doesn't suggest that you...
Sorry, my error. As suggested in my original post I meant MAC address.
Right, I discuss that in my [forum response](https://community.iotawatt.com/t/feature-request-unique-identification-of-outputs/5444/2) to the user who submitted the PR and asked yet again for the impossible. There are inputs to which current transformers are...
I don't have much context here, but I think I have an idea what is going on. @tomlut stated that the source of the data is an IoTaWatt integrator. As...
Hello @jyavenard, yes it's been awhile. As I said, I don't have a lot of context here. You know a lot more about the way HA is using this data....
Couple of issues: PSTR is great for single instance literals, but take a look at the repetitiveness of some of the literals like "Content-Length" that are used many times. The...
Relative to ESP32 that was my conclusion from what you posted. TBH I don't use this with ESP32 and don't recommend it. I have an ESP32 version that provides the...