Bob Jacobsen

Results 114 comments of Bob Jacobsen

+1 on this. Also, AppVeyor and the rest of the connected CI tools.

Seeing this with 22.1.0

Found it via Google. The human-readable version is [here](

Not sure how it's generated either. The usual mode for Javadoc is to just generate it and put the files up on a web server somewhere. See [this example]( The...

Thanks for the quick reply! The behavior is a bit odd, as we definitely can assign the author through the web page. Their ID appears in the drop-down under Assignees,...

Thanks! I've created PR #11527 to move the script into the releases. I removed the space from the name out of an excess of caution.

Resolved conflict in the release note.

Is there documentation available somewhere on the format and content of these messages?

Should be create a PR and merge these changes into JMRI itself?