I would also make use of this feature. Am using a simple DiGraph to display causal models. The desire is to color code paths as wether they represent a dependency...
I may have posted too soon - my apologies. It is possible apply a multi-color scheme to edges. The solution seems to be to supply edgecolor with a dictionary and...
additional introspection on DataFrame object: ``` julia> Tables.istable(s) true julia> Tables.columnnames(s) 35-element Vector{Symbol}: ```
Thank you for prompt response! I believe you hit the problem. A few of the columns in DataFrame object contain String type. I need to figure out the source of...
The string element was issue here. Leave it to your discretion if any changes in error message are needed. Thanks for helping me sort out the issue.
Also digging through R version, specifically the callback and evaluation log routine. It appears to me that somehow they may be parsing the text going to std.out and accumulating results...
I just found the following at [XGBoost C Package]( ``` Make prediction from DMatrix, replacing [XGBoosterPredict]( “type”: [0, 6] 0: normal prediction 1: output margin 2: predict contribution 3: predict...
Here is the proper link: [XGBoosterPredict](
Perhaps adding the 'type' keyword is the best approach. It seems most flexible particularly if more options are added in the future. I am willing to give a try at...
am attempting a version of predict that allows for differing ```type``` values {0,6}. I am able to get the differing returns from libxgboost but getting confused on how to process...