Børge Nordli
Børge Nordli
Thanks for the save game! This is a general problem with discard-to-produce-on-windfall (introduced in BoW, for example Alien Booby Trap) and only occurs when there is another power (in this...
This requires a fix in the game engine to keep a count of the number (instead of just a flag) of windfall worlds without goods during produce. When it is...
Related to #29. Yes, this is an annoyance that should be fixed. I haven't investigated what causes this behavior, so have no idea whether it is a small or large...
We do a blocking low level call to [connect](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/connect.2.html). I do not want to look into making it non-blocking, since it doesn't seem to be a straightforward portable way to...
Probably related to #32.
Related to #28. Yes, this is an annoyance that should be fixed. I haven't investigated what causes this behavior, so have no idea whether it is a small or large...
Possibly related: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/104576 But I don't have any intermittent drop-offs, only after update of the Unifi Console. Looking through an access point history (which should always be "home"): UniFi OS...
In my (original) case, all entities from the Unifi Integration were marked as "away", even those who were actually home (and marked as connected in the Unifi Console). søn. 14....
That's a great solution when using JavaScript, yes, but not so much from other languages.
Because I am more familiar with other languages. And I already had a framework ready (in C#) for massaging a JSON API into CSV.