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Uplift Terraforming With No Worlds To Produce On, Useless Prompt
Uplift Terraforming UX is wrong i think. I had no open green world to produce on, yet still got a prompt to discard to produce. If i choose a card to discard, i can't click Done (that's good), and if i don't choose a card to discard, i can proceed (that's good).
However, i shouldn't be getting this prompt in the first place no? If it matters, i have "Auto-select forced choices" enabled in the GUI Options.
Can you provide a save file to reproduce this?
Thanks for the save game!
This is a general problem with discard-to-produce-on-windfall (introduced in BoW, for example Alien Booby Trap) and only occurs when there is another power (in this save game Uplift Bio-Engineers) that first produces on the target windfall world.
This requires a fix in the game engine to keep a count of the number (instead of just a flag) of windfall worlds without goods during produce. When it is corrected, this (non-)choice will not be sent to the clients, and existing save games will potentially break.
Postponing until another save game breaking fix is scheduled.