Any update on this? I don't seem to be able to create a new cloud foundry namespace any longer
I got it to work using a valid _APIGW_ACCESS_TOKEN_ & _IAM_NAMESPACE_API_KEY_ in your .wskprops or ENV variables. And then upgrading to the github version of this package: `npm i git+`
@raheel4839 Looks like you're missing IAM_NAMESPACE_API_KEY. + Did you install the github version?
After creating an IAM API key in IBM Cloud and setting the OW_IAM_NAMESPACE_API_KEY env variable, I still get the same error above. Something else I need to perform?
@aaka3207 may help
@thomasgaillard I downloaded and compiled your PR, however I can't connect to TVTime anyway > 23:09 INFO - Starting ApplicationLauncher v1.0.6-RELEASE on 1a44228fb8f5 with PID 1 (/usr/local/lib/tvshowtimeplex.jar started by root...
> ❯ yt-dlp > [VrtNU] alles-kan-beter-s1a1: Downloading webpage > ERROR: [VrtNU] alles-kan-beter-s1a1: Unable to extract media element; please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue...