Piotr Kurek
Piotr Kurek
As an example https://help.sap.com/viewer/8b8d6fffe113457094a17701f63e3d6a/GIGYA/en-US/559574624b634e5a955e0f7eeba01c07.html resetPassword allows you to send a parameter: ``` sendEmail | Boolean | The default is true . When set to false Gigya does not send the...
https://developers.gigya.com/display/GD/accounts.resetPassword+REST > You are required to pass only one of the parameters either loginID or passwordResetToken. > If passwordResetToken is passed then the newPassword parameter is also required. and currently...
Or perhaps there is a fork that could be utilized or everyone just copy and update/maintain index.js file by themselves?
Hello, apparently when your password is generated with question mark it throws.. ``` await migrate.default({ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len databaseUrl: `postgres://${RDS_USER}:${RDS_PASSWORD}@${RDS_HOST}:${RDS_PORT}/db_name`, dir: 'migrations', direction: process.env.MIGRATION_DIRECTION || 'up', migrationsTable: 'migrations', count: process.env.MIGRATE_COUNT...
Hey, Im failing to implement this library for node-fetch, and maybe you will have some idea: ``` import https from 'https'; // @ts-ignore import { lookup } from 'lookup-dns-cache'; const...
https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/nodejs-web-development/9781788626859/3d40c77e-d328-401b-bcc0-fdd6f71c2774.xhtml Unless you expect to use iframe- helmet by default allows 'sameorigin', then I would advise denying it. Also, cors settings could have headers defined (this is my cors.ts file...