Andreas M.
Andreas M.
Hello, after applying "substitutions" from the substitution-dictionary, it would be nice, if there would be a way to check, what has been changed. Thanks.
It would be nice, if there could be a possibility to execute external commands/scripts on each image-file (could be places in a contextual menu for the image) and for certain...
Assume I have fifty images, each representing the result of scanning two pages of a book. Now I would like to prepare each image by manually defining the boxes. Then...
It would be nice to have a proper namespace and a W3C XML Schema (or RelaxNG or Schematron, though, XSD is the most supported by editors and other XML tools)....
Using Zeal 0.6.1 on Windows 10, with the `C:\Users\bmix\AppData\Local\Zeal` folder symlinked to a folder on another (local) volume, after opening the *Tools -> Docsets...* menu, I get the following two...
It would be nice to have a volume control for the DLNA renderer and a way to disable SWYH, without quitting it.
I would like to hide _fman_ to the right part of the taskbar, where all the tiny little icons are (don't know the name, right now) and make it come...
The CommonMark-spec.json document contains the examples from the specification in a machine readable format. These examples are divided into "matches" and "non matches". However, the only way to know this...
I feel it would be wise, to change the XML AST document node's name from `document` to `commonmark` and add a namespace prefix to the name: `cm:commonmark`. Example: ```xml [...]...
XML namespaces do not resolve. They are just a sequence of characters. But this sequence is important, because it is considered to be unique and thus bears the identity for...