Bryan McBride
Bryan McBride
Any updates on this? It's kind of a nasty bug that makes it easy to collect incorrect values. I would note that I'm experiencing this on Android, not sure if...
Awesome! Thanks for working on this. I'm hoping take some time after Leaflet 1.0 is released to bring BootLeaf up to snuff, so this will likely save me lots of...
Awesome, thanks! Let me know if I'm missing anything with this PR.
This still appears to be an issue. Any updates on a possible fix for this? Thanks!
@lovasoa I tested with @Taytay latest wasm build at and while it definitely seems to improve performance on Chrome desktop, Chrome mobile on Android/ioS still takes a long time...
FWIW - explicitly enabling the "WebAssembly compiled module cache" flag in Chrome on Android seems to significantly improve initial load time. I came across [this thread](, which is way over...
A `rio-pmtiles` equivalent to directly convert GeoTIFF to PMTiles would be awesome, especially if the functionality was able to be added to `go-pmtiles`, giving the user the option to convert...
LVL would just have to add the GeoJSON markers to an L.MarkerClusterGroup:
Hey Chris/Jason, This would be a great addition to LVL. I played around a bit with your code snippet and it doesn't seem to work with layers that are initially...
Nice addition! I'm hoping to update this to the current versions of Leaflet & Bootstrap and do some general cleanup sometime in the near future. I will definitely incorporate this.