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A node.js client library for (Get) Event Store
Competing Consumer is a new type of subscription released in version 3.2. Is it possible to add support for it?
Hi, I was trying to wrap ges-client in a repository in my code. And I wanted to query every single events of a stream to reload my aggregate state. So...
Restyling code to enhance readability, and to lean to strict mode rules
This needs to be filled out with more detail. References the Partially Complete Connection feature from the Readme.
``` javascript const uuid = require('node-uuid'); const EventStore = require('ges-client'); const connection = EventStore(); connection.on('connect', ()=> { const streamId = 'intro-stream'; const appendData = { expectedVersion:EventStore.expectedVersion.noStream, events: [ { eventType:...
When the underlying tcp connection is disconnected by an error the error doesn't bubble up to the tcpConnection. Right now there is no way to know that we are disconnected,...
Hi All, Right now, the test are running the latest node version is 0.10.x and EventStore v3.0.5. We have to expand out our test coverage, but I am not sure...
Due to the way Connection state event handlers are coded, attempting to Subscribe to a closed connection will cause an unhandled exception. This will likely be resolved with #44 but...
If a server response message has an .error property, the operation code still identifies it as a successful response and does not report an error. Code to reproduce an example...
I would be interested in seeing some performance benchmarks on the client. Are their any?