Amazing! Thank you both!
@miguelkennedy I also wanted to let you know that the in-app instructions for FitBit integration are outdated. There are more watchfaces available and most of them do not require the...
It would be useful to also have these links in the Wiki. People in the Facebook group frequently ask about FitBit watchfaces and it would be easier to refer them...
@miguelkennedy One more to add to the collection! **Exerclock** -
I agree, I would also use this feature. I believe the Marclock watchface has a toggle for it. Another option: Not have the alerts go off indefinitely until pressing snooze....
I have one CR and one ISF! But there is lots of variation. If you do decide to implement I am happy to test
It definitely works! Just be patient and you will get the email if you haven't already. And that would be awesome if you could schedule it to run regularly :)
I can test but I have a Mac. So I think need to find something equivalent to Windows Scheduler